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Flexxbotics FlexxCONNECT™

FlexxCONNECT™ is a digitally centralized system that provides effective process control for your production floor by communicating necessary and relevant information to and from your CNCs.  Thanks to FlexxConnect, your machinists have everything they need to successfully execute production jobs.


  • Job revision is managed and controlled in a central location

  • G-code & robot programs can be uploaded and downloaded to and from your CNCs

  • Work and tooling instructions, quality alerts, and digital media instructions can be sent instantly


FlexxCONNECT™ helps improve CNC work cell utilization, efficiency, and quality resulting in:

  • Faster capital equipment ROI

  • Decreased scrap and rework

  • Increased output

  • Improved on time delivery


Confiigure, Manage and Deploy Jobs

  • Create a step-by-step workflow including modules such as G-code, robot programs, work instructions, and digital instructions

  • Ensure the correct G-code program or tooling instruction is used every time

  • Digitally send completed jobs to the work cell for your machinists or operators to complete



  • FlexxEdge™ provides role-based access control allowing you to control tasks between operators and providing an audit trail as to who performed the work

  • Operators have everything they need to run jobs sent to their work cell

  • Cater workflows based on priorities for each work cell, your operations and the skill level of your operators

Our team of robotic specialists will work with you to find the best solution for your application, performing evaluations through proof-of-concept testing & time studies.  We’ll help you select the ideal applications and then conduct simulations to test and demonstrate that the robot will meet your requirements.

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