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Kane Robotics

Kane Robotics produces flexible, easy-to-use automation that simplifies material removal for high-mix, low-volume manufacturers.  Their GRIT™ collaborative robotic systems make tough and tedious sanding, grinding, and finishing jobs easy, creating a safer and healthier work environment that reduces risk and injury.


  • Pre-configured, reconfigurable cobots for material removal – quick to install and easy to use

  • Multiplies operator productivity – increases throughput, improves on-time delivery and reduces costs

  • Reduces worker injury and illness – helps ensure safety compliance, improves shop floor morale and reduces health care costs

  • Frees skilled technicians – frees skilled technicians for higher-level operations and reduces the need for hiring and training

Product Information

Kane Robotics GRIT™ Collaborative Robotic Solutions are the first cobot designed for sanding, grinding, and finishing applications.


  • Cutting-edge hardware and software technologies – best in class solutions to enhance automation and efficiency

  • Customized programming – tailoring process parameters and determining robot arm paths to meet your unique needs and requirements helps to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity

  • Data management solutions – a comprehensive suite of tools that enable you to optimize your operations through efficient data collection, analysis, and supplier collaboration



Ideal for small parts

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Built for larger parts

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Designed for woodworking

Learn more

Additional Resources

Multiplying Productivity

Material Removal

To discuss your application or request a robotic evaluation

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