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SensoPart's VISOR® Object AI

SensoPart’s VISOR® Object AI makes machine vision even easier than ever before.  With the full flexibility of VISOR® Object Advanced, it also features “Classification (AI)” detector which makes classifying objects easier and more robust.  VISOR® Object AI is ideal for presence and completeness checks, position control, counting of objects, sorting of parts, differentiation, simple measuring, and quality control tasks.

The sensor is set up in a few easy steps and requires no expert knowledge.  Thanks to integrated artificial intelligence (AI), the detector learns the distinguishing features based on a few sample images.  Even process and product variations such as varied products in lots, stains, strong reflections, and flexible parts can quickly be taught to the detector.

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  • Robust and compact VISOR® family hardware with flexibility of VISOR® Object Advanced Software

  • Objects are robustly and reliably assigned to the correct class and can be differentiated up to 200 classes

  • For quality control or presence checks, objects can be automatically rated as pass or fail

  • Train the detector with a few images on your PC

  • Reliable results with strong varying processes and products

VISOR® Object AI:  Artificial intelligence.  Real results.

Our team of robotic and vision specialists will work with you to find the best solution for your application, performing evaluations through proof-of-concept testing & time studies.  We’ll help you select the ideal applications and then conduct simulations to test and demonstrate that the robot will meet your requirements.

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